Become a member

Join the leading network exclusively for corporate innovation practitioners

The Innovation Roundtable® network is exclusively for large multinational companies

creating a unique space for networking learning exchange among corporate innovation professionals

Discover the benefits included in our corporate membership packages

Join hosted workshops with many different colleagues

Member companies can send up to 3 delegates to each workshop, enabling different colleagues to experience the network by attending events on topics of specific relevance to them.
We offer different corporate membership packages, depending on how many 1-day workshops your company would like to attend in a year and in which regions. Contact us to learn more about membership options.

Innovation Roundtable® Summit: tickets & member rates

Join the world’s largest gathering of corporate innovation executives. 3 highly interactive days attended by 700+ participants from over 300 multinational corporations.
Our corporate membership packages (Europe) include 2-4 tickets for the Summit 2023. Members can also buy additional tickets at special rates (up to 40% off).

Virtual workshops and streaming of in-person ones

Join with unlimited colleagues, stay up-to-date and connect with corporate innovation professionals from all over the world through:

Get Full Access to our online network & learning platform

Membership packages include a number of Full Access licenses (more can be bought individually / in groups), giving access to 1500+ videos, slides, reports, and more from our events – all organized by themes.
Other colleagues can also join and be part of an online community of 4500 corporate innovation professionals with a Free Access account: they will primarily access free resources and those from the events they have attended, and be able to join virtual and streamed events.

Become a member

For further inquiries and for becoming members, please contact us at: